Saturday, May 30, 2009

Well so much for writing lots...

I haven't been on here forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lot's has happened since the last time, I'm now married, we went on our honeymoon and Jackson is now 2!
The wedding was awesome, time definitely does fly like everyone told me it would and now there definitely are bits and pieces that I don't so much remember! Hehehe still hard to believe that I'm now a married woman! How crazy!!!!!!!!
We went on our honeymoon at Easter, down round the Catlins (awesome place) and over to Te Anau where we based ourselves while spending a day at Milford Sound and a day at Doubtful sound! Not sure which we liked better - Milford Sound: we drove in ourselves so it was all done in our own time apart from meeting the boat of course and was great cos we could stop wherever and whenever we wanted, Doubtful Sound: we were on a tour with strangers for 8 hours and anyone that knows us knows we can both be quite shy so yeah was still awesome though and so glad we did it cos I got to see Manapouri where Dunc was working when we first met!
Just had a really small lunch type party for Jacksons birthday with both sets of grandparents and Kathleen, Andrew and Aden! I made his cake - go me - not bad for a first attempt and very very yummy it even had mock cream in the middle! Was so pissed off at him when everyone started arriving cos he had found the cake on top of the freezer in the laundry and had opened the container and was picking off all the pebbles and trying to eat the whole thing in one go I think but thankfully he didn't do too much damage!
I'm a bit antsy today, decided today is the day that I stop smoking so I'm now officially a non-smoker, feel a wee bit panicky when I say that but I'm sure I'll get there, positive thinking and all that! I've done it before I can do it again and forever this time!
Trying trying trying for another baby - it's a very frustrating process that's for sure, we thought it would happen really quickly but noooooooo its taking a wee while! And Dunc has major issues with the whole 'having to do it at a certain time of the month' so I not much of a happy camper at the moment! Just gotta keep thinking it'll happen when it happens, so giving up smoking will hopefully help (was gonna give up as soon as I got a positive test), gonna get out there exercising and eat healthy!
What is up with the friggen metservice, useless buggers they are, Dunc stayed up half the night waiting for it to snow but definitely no snow here grrrrrr, was so looking forward to letting Jackson out in it to play, he'd love it!