Tuesday, February 24, 2009

AAAAaaaargh why so early!

OMG, it's 5.52am, what a strange time to start a blog I hear you say! Jackson (my wee man 22 months old) fell out of his bed at 5.09am and after calming him down then trying to get him to go to sleep with Dunc and I we gave up and now Dunc is fast asleep and I'm here talking to a computer screen while Jackson sits in his highchair by the fire eating toast! Ah the life of a toddler aye!
I've been talking about doing this forever and for some reason have had no guts - I guess it's a little bit the fear of the unknown??? I like to waffle so I guess really this is the best place for me!
I was going to do a weightloss one but the weightloss happened and I still never started this, only lost about 6.8kg all up but hey thats something and I'm really kicking myself for not measuring myself when I started cos I've lost a fair few inches that's for sure...and the reason I'm not continuing actively to try is we're getting married in less than a month, I go to pick up my dress on Friday so yeah they're probably already going to have to do alterations to it and I don't want it falling down on me on the day cos it's strapless haha!
Hmmmm how many people can I bore with mindless dribble at once:)
Oh and the fire thing, its supposed to be real hot at the moment, well usually February is but man, it's like winter, it's currently 6.1 degrees outside - that is NOT a summer temperature!!!!!!!Where did summer go and is it coming back is one big question in my head! I'm the first to admit that I hate with a passion really hot weather but winter in Feb is kinda ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!
Must disappear now, Jackson has thrown his toast on the ground so time for fruit then whatever the day brings I guess:)


  1. yay for doing a blog! WOOT WOOT!!! - im sure dunc wont mind if u show up starkers on ur wedding day ;)

  2. Ha ha Andrea. Great work setting up a blog Nikki. Wow weird temperatures down there.

    Not long till the wedding now. Good luck with your dress fittings.
